Outside Sports

Outside Sports - Queenstown, Wanaka and Te Anau - Where Adventure  Begins Outside Sports - Queenstown, Wanaka and Te Anau - Where Adventure Begins

Outside Sports - Queenstown, Arrowtown, Wanaka, Te Anau, Tekapo and online

Outside Sports is the ultimate adventure retailer. To this end, their mission statement is "passionate about adventure retail excellence" and their tagline is "Outside Sports, where adventures begin". 

Outside Sports is dedicated to customer experience and is passionate about the local area, with a wealth of knowledge and experience across biking, snowsports, running, camping and hiking.  They hope to see you in-store pre or post race, or see their range online at any time from anywhere in the world. Begin your adventure today. 

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Shotover Moonlight Events


Accommodation Packages

Are you entering the Shotover Moonlight Mountain Marathon, 30km, Half Marathon or the 10km? 

Would you like to helicopter to the start?

You could stay at either Ben Lomond Lodge or Moonlight Lodge the night before the race.

Leave your car at the finish line at Moke Lake and we'll take you into our lodges for a fantastic meal and great company. 

Self Catered Accommodation Packages (from $440pp)
Packages include 4wd transport to Ben Lomond Lodge, 1 night pre-race accommodation at Ben Lomond Lodge, and a stunning helicopter flight to the start of your race on Saturday morning.

For more information contact bookings@benlomond.co.nz

Dinner, Bed and Breakfast Accommodation Packages (from $740pp)
Packages include heli-flight to Moonlight Lodge on Friday evening, 1 night pre-race accommodation at Moonlight Lodge, dinner & breakfast,  and a stunning helicopter flight to the start of the race on Saturday morning.

For more information contact bookings@benlomond.co.nz 

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Stay updated with news from the Shotover Moonlight races by signing up below. We'll keep you in the know with race details, sponsor offers, and key information to help you plan and train for race day.

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